
So, Christmas. I'll just get right to it. It was different. There's no doubt about that. We had something french, pizza-ish for dinner. It wasn't Christmas, but it was very good. We played some Christmas songs (Norwegian, German and English ones) on youtube on guitar or just a cappella. Then we talked and opened our presents (where I had a few more than the others, hihi).

THANKYOU EVERYONE. My presents were awesome! I loved them all! I don't know if I want to start writing up all the stuff I got, but I don't want people do know exactly how spoiled I am.

Apart from that I've been boarding every morning, and if I dare to say it myself, I've made a little bit progress. It's not a lot, but it's something. I'm looking forward to actually reach a decent level, so that I can do real jumps and tricks. Until then, I'll just stay at the tiny little lumps I'm doing atm.

So this is where I snowboard.

It's been kinda cold lately..

Tomorrow is new years and I'm probably going out to celebrate with friends. Apart from that my agenda is starting to fill up: Everyday go snowboarding (seeing as I've got a season pass and still a week and a half of vacation), then school starts (and now I have to work. Buh), then Hannah is going to Canada (CRYING), then we've got another week of vacation in the start of february (snowboarding!!), then sometime in that near future my birthday is coming up (Lisa and I have found out what we're gonna give each other, but I'm gonna talk about that laterrr), then I've got this English test I've gotta doo, then we've got the school prom thing, then Lisa and I will (hopefully throw a big party together), then Easter's up and then I'll be going to Germany (Munich (München) and some other place), then Lisa and I plan to go to Paris for a long weekend sometime in April/May, then there's some festival sometime in June/July and.. then I'm back. I don't know. I have this feeling it's gonna go extremely fast. And now that I'm done with Christmas (which I have dreaded and turned out not to be so bad), I don't want it to rush by. I just know I'll do my best to stay happy all the time and just make sure I make the best out of my last few months here.

I dunno bout you guys, but fireworks kinda scare me. Might have something to do with me almost being hit last (?) year, but it looks nice. I just keep a healthy distance when they're being fired.

Now you all know a little bit about what I'm doing the next few months, and since I'm in addition plan to start working out like I normally do (at least once a day, preferably a few times a week two..), you might understand how I'll be busy. But I like it like that. Sitting still way too much sucks. But I'll then also try to write about swiss life and not just, I dunno, random shit.

So I'm going here (with AFS). It looks nice. I've never been in Germany before, but I'm sure it'll be good (read: cheap!).

And hopefully I'm going here! I've been to Paris once, but I was a rebellious teenager and didn't really do anything. Now I'll (I hope) be going with someone who speaks fluent French and probs stay with her old host family. Good stuff.

So guys, happy new year. Be nice, and maybe santa will give you just as many cool presents next year as he did this year!

Cheers for now



So today I received an early Christmas present! From whoooo? From my younger brother ofc!
Check it out:

"I have a horse" /rides away
Ahahahahaa! I love it!
Keep in mind this kid is 12(!!!) years old and his English and animation skills are already great.

He made this film j u s t for me (after a request from me, saying I wanted an animated youtube film for Christmas).

Tuuuuuuuusen takk Hallvard! Ej digga den! Zupert! Brava! Magnificent!
Gleda mej til å sjå fleire filma i næraste framtid!

Cheers for now



Warning, photos taken completely out of context.

I found this cute internet site some other day. Sadly I don't remember the link, but I'm sure I'll find it again and post more photos! It's just a random fact every day (I'm not surprised that I knew more of half of them from before, lol'd).

Hehehehe. Ej å du Jarnfrid.. ej å duuuuu knis

Just a shortie for today, on Christmas Eve or Christmas day I'll try to make a really big (riesen gross) post. And then when the holiday is over I'll do my best to be funny and actually talk about stuff that has to do with Switzerland and my exchange year (do account for some random stuff though).

This will be my signature style all through winter. Why? It's warm, it looks alright and it soo comfortable. I love this t-shirt, and my new woolen tights my mom sent me (and the 17 (14?) pairs of socks she sent me too). Good stuff, good stuff. Kinda cool actually, socks (which you can't see) are Angora wool in other words from Angora, tee bought in London, underwear from switzerland (also a can't see), tights from Norway (I assume) and the cardigan is from Italy. Woopwoop

The thing is that I can sit on the train and listen to music and have a million of thoughts about what I can write here, about what's good and what I know people would like to know (both Norwegian and Swiss), and then I sit down to write it. And nothing comes out. I mean, I dunno. There has to be something about my room/house that ruins my creativity (I'm serious, I've felt a huge downfall in lust and ability of making creative stuff since I came here(has nothing to do with the family, maybe just my surroundings)). This is bad, because I like doing creative stuff. It's always something I've been able to do if I feel down and I've always done it good/good enough. You know?

This is the kinda stuff I did to pass time whilst sick (failed to mention that I've been sick on/off pretty much for three weeks and I've ended up ruining my sleeping rhythm (read: slept anything from 0 hours to 14 hours per day..). Extremely creative, I know..

Anyways, it's soon Christmas, and I'm starting to look forward to it. I don't have the same mood I get in Norway, but that probably has something to do with the surroundings too. Anyways, I'm not not looking forward to it anymore, and to me, that's one big step forward!

Hahah, this is todays geography lesson. The good sketches are obviously not mine. There are also a few more pieces of paper, but I don't have them. Maybe they're not finished yet? Either way. Best. School day. Ever.

Cheers for now



There's been a terrible lack of inspiration from my side lately. I mean, I do think about deep, pondering and very grown-up things to write and tell everyone. But it's always when I'm feeling kinda down. So I'm just wondering; do people want to know these kind of things too? You want to know how it looks inside a slightly depressed exchange students mind?

..and now for something completely different! (<---youtube it)

Today, at abouuut 16:50 I walked up the outside steps making a list inside my head about what I had to do today: learn physics, write some mails, answer some mails (sorry people), write some letters, read some Faust (believe it!), and so on and so on. I was gonna do good. Then! I open the door, see Timi (timmy, timmi? ..shit) I say stuff like "Hiiii Tiiiimiiii! Are you hungryy?" and then I look up. I see 3 big ass packs and one normal sized one standing on the table in the entrance. I start making like small squeeling wiiiiiiiiih sounds and jump over to check what names are on these packages; they're all from Norway. All for meeee! I'm soooooooo happyyy! Three of them were totally expected and one of them came completely unexpected. So unexpectedly I started crying (of joy ofc) when I opened it (Only the post-sending-wrapping-thing, I don't cheat with Christmas presents). Now I'll show all of you non-Norwegians some photos and write some in Norwegian!

This is "our" cat (read: the cat is actually our king), Timi/Timmi/Timmy sleeping sometime some while ago. Last week sometime, I think. he looks really cute anyhow. Believe it or not, he's 10 years old! (cat years or human, still sounds old for a cat, I literally have no idea) He's one old camper, but still sooooo cute!

Cookie box! Tusen hjertlig takk Heidi! Den e so utrulig fint laga! Og ej he smakt på en kjeks, den va kjempegod! Gler mej til å nyte resten i romjula! Takktakktakktakktakk!

This is the total catch of packages received this winter. I would call it a successful catch.

Heeeheheh, he didn't like the way I was pointing that thing at him. But after I took the photo he went back to sleep.

All of those gifts are for me (incl. the one on the lowest thing to the right). And if you're wondering what these yellow notes are doing all over my room (don't know if you can see it, but they hang on the wall too.. I at least know they are), I'm telling myself that I have to stop spending money. Which I have, which is good. Saving money is good!

Hei hei hallo alle sammen! Ej veit ikkje kor monge av dokke som fe med dokke ditte, men ej he rett og slett ikkje tid til å sende hjertelig tusen takk til alle samtidig (for ej vil virkelig gjer det frå hjerterota - og no må ej virkelig begynne å rydde alt på plass før ej faktisk må lese Faust og gjere Fysikk til i morgå.. hehhhhhhhehheheh. Drite i fysikk), men vær greie å spre takken min enn so lenge, til ej klare å hive mej rundt og skrive et fint brev til alle sammen (det kan forventast at det kjem litt etter jul, for ej he for det første ikkje råda til å sende dei enda, og ej e generelt veldig treig for tida).

Vil spesielt takke Steen&strøm (neida, hehehhe, Morch Steen vell! (Vekkje om det e greit å komme med etternavn sånn ej? Hvis dokke ikkje lika det sei i frå, so teke ej det vekk med en gong!)) Det va soklart det her ej snakka om når ej sa ej grein gledeståre (ikkje at ej ikkje va like takknemmelig for alt det andre ej he fått med dei andre!), men det va rett og slett so uventa. Ej skulle filma reaksjonen min, skulle ej! Hadde sikkert vore kjekt å sjå! Hadde egentlig lyst å filme en takkefilm, men det gjer ej etter juleafta, når ej vise fram alt ej he fått (he nemmelig ikkje kikka eller klemt på noooke! Veit berre at en av dei (hei tante Ingrid) e flat, firkanta og står 98% sikkert på ønskelista mi). Det e so utrulig godt å vite at det finst so monge folk i Volda/Norge som tenke på mej, for det e lettare å glømme enn en sko' trudd!

Ditte går ut til alle, men kanskje veldig spesielt til en spesiell, spesiell en (hei Lasse). Klistre på et hjerte her og der også, ej he desverre ikkje ei eiga strand å tegne på for tida og kom ikkje på å gjer det i Italia...lal

So til jentene mine! Først vil ej sei til Randi; ej he no tatt min "årets første snowboardtur" uten dej. Vakkje heilt det samme! Og det vakkje like bra som bratthenge på en bra dag! (men det e veeeeeldig bra, hehehehehehhhhhhhh) Og litt seint svar; men nei, ej hekkje Disney Channel ELLER cartoon /grinegrinegrine/ Men ej he Nick (wuuuhuuuuu) og Mtv (det e jo faktisk litt gøy da). Beste e at det finst ikkje noke Voice tv her! Uansett jenter: veit at no e det sikkert supert heime, sida Susanne e heime og sånn! Ej e veldig glad på alle sine vegne! Ej sei berre; ej gir dokke ansvaret for å arrangere en skypekveld. For sida Pelle&Pysa sei: "To øyne ser bedre enn ett!" so tenke ej at /telle på fingrane/ 10 (+- 1) haud tenke bedre enn et!

So, tusen takk til: Heidi, Lasse, Nils & Hanne, Mamma, Pappa, Mormor, Hallvard & Sindre, tante Ingrid & onkel Trond, tante Astrid, tante Marit & onkel Tor, tange Ingunn & onkel Knut og so alllleee jentene; Ingrid, Ingrid, Ingrid, Susanne, Sunniva, Maris, Stephanie, Andrea, Kamilla og Randi Elise! KJEMPEKJEKKE ALLE SAMMEN!

Mega glad og takknemmelig for alt! Savna dokke alle sammen! E redd for at ej he plana om å holde mej sjøl so opptatt som mulig i juletider for å klare å holde haudet mitt vekke frå at ej he heimlengsel (he det allereide no, lol), so det ekkje sikkert det kjem so veldig mykje frå mej før etter jul elns. Eller, det kjem jo sikkert, skal vell klare å finne noke å klage på!

I've always loved this song. Now that I've figured out that this awesome lady Regina Spektor has (has got if I should be grammatically correct) a version,
it just makes it eeeven better. This is the last vid I'm posting of non-Christmasy songs. Next blog post will s m e l l like Christmas spirit! True story!

Cheers for now


Og so verdens største, mega superduper hilsen til verdens tøffaste, beste storebror (ej he også verdens tøffaste beste lisjebror ej da..) i heile verden som blir 20 (!!!!!) år på torsdag 17. Des! Wuuuuuhuuuuu! Gjett om du e gammal no da!! hihihihi neida, tullaaaa! 4 evur jung!

Ellers også gratulere til Elisabeth og Sigrunn som begge no he blitt 1+8=18 no i Des!
Megakult! Håpe dokke storkosa dokke!


I haven't written for some time. I know, it's boring. I guess since my dad sent me a mail on facebook where he was wondering if I was still alive (not his exact words, but anygay) I had to just post something. I don't (lol, the song I'm playing sang that at the e x a c t same time that I wrote it!) feel like writing anything special. I'll do that later. I feel stressed out and tired for no reason, and tbh I don't look forward to Christmas this year.

BUT(+T hheheh), let's see. Happy Sunny here. What have I been doing lately?

Eating Fondue - the swiss speciality. I'm sorry, I don't really like it. It's edible, but I'm never gonna have the thought "Right now I'd like to eat some Fondue!" Melted cheese really isn't my thing.

I've got a boob job. I mean, the price was right! (Gosh, I'm so funny)

I've danced around in sparkles. I don't know, but I like this photo of me. It's from the night when me and Hannah were together on a Friday for the first time (well, not first time, but you get the deal, we were out out). Because now she's 16 and we can finally do cool stuff together!

I've started doing my homework - Norwegian style.

I've received a package from my aunt! (I received one from my other aunt too, but I sadly don't have a photo) It looks so awesome, I mean. It's simply cool. Lovin' it!

I've been in Zürich swimming in the lake (I know, not a photo of exactly that, but this was on the way there). I might put up a vid (cause I do have one), but then I have to find a way to put bleeps on it first..

This weekend sometime when going to the toilet I saw this adorable thing standing right outside the toilet door! I just almost melted and had to tell everyone about it later!

Ej berre drømme om dagen då ej kan gå inn på KIMI og ha so stort utvalg i yoghurt! For ALT her e faktisk yoghurt! Helt til enden av bildet! Tenk det da!

A bench somewhere near the school area. I just found it a good thing to photograph. Swiss people love smoking, be it cigarettes, water pipes, pipes in general or other.. healthy stuff.

Sometimes you have to enjoy a very expensive coffee even though you can't really afford it. And then it's extra worth it when it looks like this

Huska at på pizzakvelden (i Italia.. ej e veldig treig med å få bildene frå mobilen til dataen) satt vi å venta fordi vi va altfor tidlig ute og hadde ikkje reservesjon enda. So sitte vi på en anna plass der dei voksne dela ei flaske vin og so ser ej ditte på andre sida av gata. Som den tullingen ej e måtte ej sjølvsagt få ei latterkrampe, der ingen andre forsto koffor ej lo..

Haha, middagen i dag!

Here they don't have ham (I dunno, ham is made from pigs, right?) sandwiches, they have piggy sandwiches. I think is a good enough reason to visit Switzerland.

A small mix here, but it's needed. To weigh up for it I might something (very short) in German some time soon. We'll see. I'm trying to (read: I'm too lazy to have done it yet) get the time to make another vid blog where I speak all three languages. Or at least two. We'll see. Anyways, enjoy your weekend.

Oh, and I can now go snowboarding until.. I dunno. March or something (I know, short season.. I've been told how I can't go snowboarding during easter, and easter is now ruined!). So well,, maybe photos will come, maybe I'll break a leg. WHO KNOWS. Maybe I'll die, seeing as I don't wear a helmet and I'll be blinded by the sun if we get good weather.

Cheers for now


Volleyball night

Trying something new; starting the post with a photo. And I thought I'd post a photo of me (too early for a face shot) because they hardly exist anymore. I just snapped one while sitting here with my Mac (best thing ever) and then I just quickly loaded it into Mr Mac. When looking through the photos I noticed this. And I was like "rolf omfg, wtf is that?" And I have come to the conclusion that there is something living inside of me, and that it's trying to break out. I've decided to call it "growing up" (see what I did there?).

Yesterday the school arranged something called volleyball night for the 5th and 6th grade. I played with some people (I'm gonna be good not mentioning names, youknow) and my goal for the night (it was from 10pm-5am) was pretty much just to have fun. I would say goal about 60% reached. Someone were so fixed on just winning it brought my mood down from time to time (read: it pissed me off).

Anyhey, for about 7 hours I was constantly moving. I'm not talking about playing volleyball, I actually feel like I didn't touch the ball that many times (we weren't always playing as a team). But thankfully there was music. So I danced. Because dancing makes me happy, keeps me moving, and our P.E teacher says that we always have to be in motion, so I did. I regret not counting how many times I was asked to stand still by one of my teammates (read: pissed me off), but I kept dancing. It was my way to say STFU

Yes, I can be annoyed for a very long time. And I'm still a bit agitated.

I didn't bring my camera, I thought about it, but I'm kinda glad I didn't. Because when I had pause I played with some other people, so I couldn't have taken any good photos. However, here's the result (shown on some parts of my body) from the volleyball night.

Don't worry, I took this photo upside-down and it made my legs look really cool. Further down there are more bruises and my feet are full with burn marks and like purple/green/blue/pink/whatever, but I hate my feet so I won't post a photo of them. And if you're wondering about the bulges on the sides (like right above my knees) that's just a washed out memory I'd like to call "Sunny used to be active".

This is the best one. I'll make a photo series or something, as it changes colour. Right now it's more brown-redish. Looking forward to posting it and showing you.

No one can say I didn't try.

Anyways, things are going very good for me. I'm sorta starting to dread Christmas (you know, family holiday and so), but I'm gonna try my hardest to stay positive Maybe I'll dance all through Christmas? And in other good news they say that tomorrow it's gonna snow! OMFG SDKGHAIRUGHØSKAG YESS. Let it snow, let it snow, l e t i t s n o w !

Cheers for now



Today is not going to be that much of a fun post. I'm gonna do my best not to sound too serious, but there's really something I need to get off my chest.

However I was tempted to post pictures here that would give the title a literal meaning. I know this would be too offensive even to be me.

Today we started school with two hours of P.E, like we always do. On Friday there's such a (cool) thing in my school called Volleyball-night, and because of this we've been playing a deecent (imo little bit too much) amount of Volleyball in gym class. However, last Wednesday we played with the boys. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but here they actually split boys and girls in gym. Which I find right out stupid. Anyways, here I come rushing to school as usual, looking forward to playing volleyball with many people instead of 12. Misunderstand me right, I really like having P.E with the girls in my class, I just think that sports are more fun when a lot of people are playing. After 11 years of having mixed (and at least 25+ people) going to only 12 girls gives less variation and less aggressiveness. Then for some reason the sport hall is divided into sections, I figured we were gonna warm up separately or something, I was wrong. Turns out the boys didn't want to play volleyball with the girls. Turns out it was too b o r i n g.

Checked my dictionary for a definition. There you go.

I know that here I have been a little bit more quiet than I normally would be. But that's because I don't know this culture as good, and I try to tread carefully so not to offend anyone. This however doesn't change that I'm still the same, easily triggered Sunny, and there aren't too many things that fire me up as easily as this kind of thing. I think the boys in my class is a decent gang, this is and will probs be my impression of them, but, this I found a bit obnoxious and stuck-up.

An overlook of the fjord in my town. You don't see that much of the town itself, and it's not the view from my house (I live a looot more to the left), but this is and will always be my hometown. Where I grew up, and hopefully where I'll be buried (yes, I've given it that much thought, I wanna be buried in my hometown, but first in about 150 years or so..)

Then there's another thing I've been thinking about lately. I think it was last week (or the week before) when we talked about expats and stuff in English. Then the question of feeling at home in a different country popped up, and my teacher asked me. I told him no, I don't feel at home here. I do however feel very welcome and comfortable here, but as they say, Home is where the heart is, and it seems like I left a little bit too much of my heart in Norway. I might go out and say it; I risked everything coming here (dramaqueen-ish, but it's true). I left an absolutely amazing life in Norway (trust me, 2009 was the best) to come here and start blank. Why did I do this? I can't give a straight and completely honest answer. There has been so many times these last three months where I have sent thoughts to dear friends and asked myself "wtf?". But now I can feel that for every week, I feel more and more at home here in Glarus. People greet me on the streets, I'm starting to get a preeetty good control of the language and as soon as the snow starts falling I'll have something to do.

But being an exchange student is very hard, no one said it was gonna be easy, but so far I've had many ups and downs, and I'm guessing that in exactly one month isn't gonna be any easier. Christmas is my fav holiday. I like christmas better than I like my birthday. It just does something with me. So this year's gonna be very hard, I just have to try my best to be positive and think about how lucky I am doing this. I'm just dreading it a little bit. A little

Imagine how it feels like having a piece of your heart this far away from you. I know that I am lucky, and I try very hard not to think about people at home and get more and more used to the thought of living here and just enjoying it for the short time it lasts. But globalization has made all this forgetting a lot harder.

Next time I'll be funny, I promise.
I'd also like to thank all the people that have been nice enough to give me such awesome comments on how they like my blog! This does mean a lot to me, and it makes it a lot easier to write (because it gives me the impression that anyone is reading)!

Cheers for now



I seriously just sneezed like consecutively for 3 minutes (it doesn't sound like a lot, but just wait for it). So for 3 whole minutes I was completely unable to do anything. It was awesome. I love sneezing, however strange that sounds. Because I hardly ever sneeze. So when I actually do sneeze it's like the greatest relieve evur. You know the feeling you get when you know a sneeze is coming, and then you can't sneeze? This feeling ranks very high on my list of things I wish never happened.

Sneezing while you're walking is always funny. Because you just can't control your body. Kudos to the photographer for catching such a sacred moment!

Anyways, I don't remember what I planned on writing. I had a really good idea on the train today. Oh yeah, Trains! Trains, what are they? What do they do? How do they function (I'm sure Wikipedia can fill you in on this, I cba)? What do they mean to me?

This is a train. But not any train, oh no. It's thee Glarnersprinter! I like this train.

Well, I've always been a train person. Actually, anything but car is good enough for me. I kinda need the option of being able to move, be this on a bus, boat, horseback or bicycle (I'll admit that the third option doesn't really happen at all, I just needed a word that didn't start with a 'b'). Sneezed yet again. And in Norway there is pretty much no such thing as a train. Sure, we've heard of it, but it only exists in these big places. Where I live we're still amazed at how electricity works. Here, on the other hand, trains are everywhere. Not only trains, but also busses! Public transportation actually means transportation here (and not "we'll bring some people, sometimes, from A to B, C you gotta do on your own"). I love it. I also love the fact that there are always newspapers lying around on the train, where I can tear out the sudoku and have something to make time pass (maybe I'll show my collection sometime (read:when I one day clean out my wallet)) gosh, I love double parentheses! Actually, I've got nothing smart to say today. I just needed something to do so that I wouldn't fall asleep. So I share some funny photos (under here somewhere) and good songs I want to share with the world (read: the 6-7 people who read my blog).

I seriously recommend to google the word sneeze, sneezing or something like that. I found soo many hilarious photos. And this one kinda looks like me too (but I don't spit when I sneeze. I hope)!

I'm doing just great, I've caught a cold, but please, it would be weirder if I didn't catch a cold than that I've caught one. Everything is just super (wow, SUPER. That was gay). I can't really explain it. School is great, people are great, family is great, Switzerland is great. Did I btw tell about how I managed to get a 4,5 (which apparently is reaally good) in maths? Sneezed. I have no idea how I managed that, but somehow I did (alright, so he only graded me 50% seeing as I only did 50% of the test, but the other half was text stuff, and my teacher didn't really expect me to do that).

Aaha, I have no words. Sneezing *insert heart here*

AND, this is a shout going out to my friend Randi Elise. She is probably the cutest person alive, and the fact that she reads my blog and gives me cute comments all the time (despite the fact that she doesn't have Facebook (how is that even possible?)) makes me soo happy! I miss the way we would always do nothing in science (e.g make silly photos, play tetris, facebook..), and how she's always been my snowboarding buddy (seriously, for like.. 6 years or something)! It's gonna be so strange having a winter where she doesn't text me every other day and asks me if I've got enough time to go snowboarding! I miss you sweetie! <3

This is a photo of me and Randi one time in Science. She fed me a watermelon and since I had overslept and didn't have time to eat breakfast OR shave, I was soooo happy!

This is bus drivers in Norway. Here they are all quite nice.


Hahaha, I love these comics. I just. Love them.

Three other things I love. These songs are first; funny and cool. Then comes a sweet one, and then a cool and good one. Sadly for some, two of them are in Norwegian. WEELL WELL
Tungtvann - Mor du e hot Taylor Swift - You're not sorry Karpe Diem - Hat&Love

Cheers for now!


Kung-fu fighting

Well, I have promised (and I'm sure it's expected of me) to show some differences between Switzerland and Norway. I honestly don't know what it is, but I don't feel like I've gotten a culture shock of any kind. The only thing that sucks is that sometimes I get homesick. Mostly at night (when in Norway I'd normally be swimming/training or buried in homework I hadn't done yet) or when something that makes me think of someone/thing. Like the other day I decided I wanted to have a braid in my hair, and then I started thinking of Kamilla, who would alway braid my hair in a gazillion ways (when I had long hair), and then that moved further on to all the good times I've had with my friends the past year. And there we go, I got upset and.. oh my god, I'm listening to the tv in the background and there is such a thing as the worlds most expensive bed. It costs 60 000 Euros.. wow

It just fits too good with what I wrote.

This is how I've learned to deal with my homesickness, I let myself get distracted. I'll tell you, it works like hell! Something else that's working as hell, is school. This is one of the places where I see the biggest difference between Norway and Switzerland. I will not claim myself as professor in Swiss educations systems, but I have started to wrap my mind around this now.

Whereas in Norway we can't really become anything without going to school first, here they choose wether they want to go to uni or not at the age of 12 (I'm sure there are loopholes, but I haven't picked that up yet). In other words where we feel like we are being forced to going to school everyday for about 13 years, these suckers choose it. heah, nah, I'd choose it too, but that's because I've always known I wanna be highly educated (there have been times where I was willing to drop it to become a ninja, but then I realized I can't really jump that high..). What I want to study I still don't know.

Picture irrelevant, I just hate it when there's too much text. I know that photos are a lot more fun to watch. I just happen to have this kind of humour (looked through my LOL map few days ago, and I almost peed myself, and then crawled under my bed in shame because I laughed at that stuff).

Anypoo, the differences. First of all they have taken the subject we in Norway call Science and made three subjects; Biology (this is okay), Chemistry LAB (this is also okay because I get to wear cool goggles once every two weeks) and Physics (this is not that okay..). They do pretty much the same as we do - just a lot more complicated (This might be because it's in German, but I like to think not). They concentrate deeply on more mathematical subjects (they don't offer Religion, politics, philosophy or subjects like that) and economics is mandatory. You can choose to have music, sports, italian and Latin too (not all of them, ofc), but I still sense a big difference in priorities.

It's a liiiiitle bit over the top, but you have to admit you smiled just a tiny bit?

Schooldays are definitely longer, they have homework (in Norway you can get by without doing your homework, just read to all the tests and do the hand-ins and you'll be okay), they have more tests than oral performances and I am extremely convinced that the country of Switzerland hate the rainforest. In every subject there is an insane amount of paper handed out to every student all the time. I get why and tbh I'm too tired to be bothered to discuss this back and forth (I know I'm right anyways), but if I ever end up here teaching, I'll be printing on both sides..

On the other hand, if they were printing on both sides I wouldn't be able to draw ninjas on the back. Epic ninja fight will take place next Monday when I also have two extremely boring hours of PP. Haha, btw, one guy in my class (being good here, not mentioning names) has read my blog and found out about my habit of drawing ninjas (damnit, wasn't very ninja of me to post it here, but oh well.), and today he drew ninjas in English class and showed them to me. This seriously made my week

I don't know what other differences in the school system I can explain (I do, but simpsons is on), and when I am very inspired I'll give you a five page long essay of some kind. Apart from being homesick from time to time, things are going great here. The most amazing thing has happened; I'm actually looking forward to going to school (Yeah, apart from the getting up before the sun thing)! Who would've thought? I received 3 high-fives today, this means that I've done enough good for one day.

Oh did you happen to notice up here that I said I heard the Tv? I don't have to look directly at the tv and concentrate deeply to know what they're talking about anymore! Yay me!

Cheers for now



(Made up a word!)

Have no idea how this is even possible, but even though I'm doing
nothing everyday, I still don't have time to do anything. I mean, I use forever to do stuff that normally I don't think about. Like homework - takes forever (and I end up doing it 50%), cleaning my (tiny) room - takes forever, finding something to wear - still not satisfies! (I miss my wardrobe, damnit!) Mommy? If you read this, there is supposed to be this small, completely simple, black skirt laying around somewhere in my wardrobe. If you find it, I would be very thankful. Also, need more woolen tights! (this is where I insert a heart for both my mum and for woolen tights)

I hope you get that the heart is more for my mum than for my woolen tights, I love my mum much more, clearly, but she knows that.

So today it's Friday and I'm going to meet people and actually do something. Woopwoop. I will soon give you a long, pondering, deep, intellectual and reflected post, I just need time to sit down and be pondering, deep, intellectual and reflected (requires tea and a certain type of music and it kinda has to be Sunday too..).

I've listened to this song a gazillion times lately. I loove it!

Well, everything is doing great, just need some more sports (I miss swimming so much, I'm at a loss for words). I'll get that working soon (might start dancing, and with some gymnastics, trying new stuff).

(or at least until Sunday)
